The Governing Body is essential for the management of the school. They are legally responsible for our finances, teaching and learning, the premises and for the strategic development of the school. Our Governors have regular contact with the school and have a clear understanding of what happens. Our Governors celebrate our strengths and support our areas of development and continue to be fully informed about the day to day life at Frodsham Manor House. The Governing Body includes representation from staff, parents, Cheshire West and our local community of Frodsham. Feedback is always welcome and we can be contacted through the school office where you can also ask for copies of meeting minutes.
The work of our Governors is supported by Edsential and our Clerk is Joy Edge.
Adam Kilborn
English, Maths, Head Teacher Performance Management, Finance.
Co-opted Governor
I started my second stint as a Governor at Frodsham Manor House in October 2015. Having previously been a Governor for a ten year period from 2004, I have witnessed the significant improvement in the school over the years and I jumped at the opportunity to be a Governor again so that I can help to support the further development of the school. As a parent to three children who all attended the school, I can attest to the tremendously positive effect it has had on their life and I am keen to ensure that as many other children as possible also benefit from the same opportunities. The very best thing about being a Governor is the opportunity to be in the school meeting all the children who are such amazing ambassadors for the school.
Business/Financial Interests - None to declare.
18th March
22nd April
3rd June
15th July
Sarah-Jane Hair
Vice Chair of Governors, SEND, Chair of Teaching and Learning committee, MFL, RE, SMSC, Healthy Schools (including PSHE)
I have been a Governor at Frodsham Manor House since 2009. My daughter is in Year 6, my children went through the school and are now at Helsby High. Having spent my career teaching in the secondary and Sixth Form sectors, I've thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to extend my educational interest beyond the realms of teenagers into primary education. I enjoy seeing how education can make a difference to a child's life. It is rewarding and a privilege, to see the development of each child from Reception to Year 6.
Business/Financial Interests - Nothing to declare.
Hannah Horton
History, Geography, Diversity
Parent Governor
I was elected as a parent governor in November 2020 and am really looking forward to getting more involved in the life of the school in this way. I grew up in Frodsham and have two daughters at Manor House. We've always felt incredibly privileged to be part of such a special school family. My daughters have flourished at Manor House, with a huge wealth of opportunities and support on offer. Education is a new world for me, but I have 20 years' experience in the private sector and charities, where as a service designer I've led teams through times of change, used technology to solve problems, and helped organisations to achieve better outcomes in more efficient ways. I hope the experience and skills I've gained along the way will be transferable to the governing body. I'm also passionate about inclusion and diversity, music and the performing arts, and supporting the school's role in the wider community.
Business/Financial Interests - None to declare
Parent Governors are elected by the parents of the current pupil body.
Co-opted governors are elected by the governing body depending on required skill set.
Local Authority governors are appointed by Cheshire West and Chester Council.
Thom Watts
Head Teacher, Community, Training.
I sit on the Governing Body in my capacity as the Head Teacher here at Manor House.
It is my first year here at Manor House and I feel very privileged to have taken over such a wonderful school from Mr. Deveruex-Roberts. From the first time that I entered the school, it is clear that this is a vibrant and exciting place that celebrates our children as individuals every single day. I am really looking forward to get to know the children and the community even better over the next year here- I hear the most fabulous of things!
I lead assemblies based on our values on Mondays and Celebration Assembly on Friday, where we invite parents and carers into school to celebrate their child’s success over the week. I also present the Headteacher’s Award weekly for displaying excellence across school as well as hosting our ‘Spread the Happiness’ discussions which feature plenty of hot chocolate.
Outside of school, l am passionate about my cookery and love exploring new flavours and indulging into the magnificence of the culinary world- I will certainly be testing some of my creations with the staff this year! I am a ‘fair-weather’ golfer and an avid supporter of Luton Town. Let’s hope we get some points in the Premier League this season!
Business/Financial Interests - Nothing to declare
Ceri Eagling
Parent Governor
I was elected as a Parent Governor in November 2021. Frodsham Manor House Primary School is a fantastic school and I am proud to have both our daughters attend the school. I enjoying working within the governing body of the school to be able to be active in helping the school maintain their high standards and continuously develop. Outside of my role of being a parent, I work as a Children’s Physiotherapist locally. As part of my role I am used to reading policies, adapting policies and understand the need to ensure these are in the best interests of the whole team and pupils. From my day job I work with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). I also work closely with the SEND multidisciplinary team. I feel this knowledge is transferable and useful to my role as link governor for SEND. I am particularly keen to ensure that all children are safeguarded and can fulfil their individual potential whatever their background, special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Business / Financial Interests - Nothing to declare.
Valarie Ball
Music, Pupil Premium Champion, EYFS
Co-opted Governor
I recently became a co-opted governor at Frodsham Manor House. My husband was in Year 6 when the school opened, my two daughters attended the school, and now my grandson is in Year 4 and my granddaughter will start in reception in Sept ’20.
My working background is with the police and later social work. For most of my school life and my adult life my passion has been singing and musical theatre. In school I took part in many eisteddfods and as an adult I have performed in and directed many of the most well-known musicals. Importantly, for a school governor, this means I have lived my life as an active member of our community.
Running also paid a big part in my life and I have completed the London Marathon on three occasions. Accompanying my grandchildren on the 'Downhill Run' isn't quite the same level of challenge but I am glad they are active children!
For me, the musical opportunities the school has to offer the children are just fantastic. The fact that every child will have the opportunity during their time at school to learn a musical instrument is a testament to the emphasis the school has on music. Add this to the school productions, talent contests and 'Star in their Eyes' and I see that pupils at Manor House children develop musical skills that also give them confidence in other areas.
Music just happens to be my passion - but on my regular visits I also see that there are so many others ways this school ensures children flourish and fulfil their potential.
Business/Financial Interests - Nothing to declare