We work with Edsential to provide our school meals and snacks. Mrs Han is our school cook and we have a team of mid-day assistants who help in the dining room and supervise on the playgrounds.
The current cost of a school dinner is £2.90 per day, payable online. Pupils in Reception, Year 1 amnd Year 2 can be provided with a school lunch for free. Families in receipt of Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Pension Credit, Employment & Support Allowance, Child Text Credits with income under £16,190 or Universal Credit provided you have an annual net income of under £7,400 are also entitled to free school meals so do come and see Mrs Read in the office. Children may have school dinners all week, have packed lunches provided by home or a mixture of both options. There are always two hot options and a sandwich choice (tuna/cheese/ham) for each day of the week following a published three week rolling menu sent to Parents via Teachers to Parents. Dietary requirements can be catered for and you are welcome to discuss the menus with Mrs Han.
We also have special theme days for events such as Halloween and Christmas.
Children may bring in their own healthy snacks from home for morning break and we also serve warm toast and bagels from the kitchen. These are paid for in cash on a weekly basis.
Half bagel- 35p
Whole bagel (KS2 only)- 70p
Slice of Toast- 25p
Half a teacake- 35p
Carton of milk- 45p
Bacon Sandwich (Fridays only) £1.00
Children in Year 1 and Year 2 have a range of fruit snacks provided in the afternoon break. Children in Reception class have milk and fruit available at a range of times over the day to develop choice and independence.
Hydration throughout the dayis important for helath and learning so we request that all children have their own water bottle which they will be able to refill at appropriate times.