All staff and governors at Frodsham Manor House School recognise that our individual pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development plays a significant role in their overall education and ability to learn, achieve and prepares them for life in modern Britain and beyond. We therefore aim to provide all pupils with positive experiences through a planned and coherent curriculum and through interactions with teachers, other adults, other pupils and the local, wider and international community.
Spiritual development is the development of the non-material element of a person. It is about the development of a pupil’s self-awareness; finding meaning and purpose when looking at the world; exploring religious or non-religious beliefs; respecting faiths; understanding values; reflecting on the world in which we live; exercising the imagination and using our creativity. It is accessible to all and not linked to a particular faith.
Moral development is about the development of pupils’ understanding of society’s shared and agreed values. It is about gaining an understanding of the range of views and developing an opinion. Our moral development enables children to recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
Social development is about children working effectively with each other and participating successfully in the community as a whole. It is about developing the skills and personal qualities necessary for living and working together. It involves the development of the interpersonal skills necessary for successful relationships. Our social development equips our pupils to appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the British values of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
Cultural development is about pupils’ understanding their own culture and other cultures. It is about understanding and feeling comfortable in a variety of cultures. Our cultural development allows pupils to cope and embrace change. Cultural development also promotes the ‘cultural scene’ including arts and sporting opportunities. Our social development empowers pupils to appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity. At the heart of cultural development lies personal identity.
Our school vision demonstrates our commitment to quality SMSC opportunities for all stakeholders at Manor House. Our moto is Hand in hand we imagine, we believe and we achieve.
Imagine a creative, thinking school, a hub for excellence, a school which embraces the world in which we live.
Imagine a school which prepares its children to respect and contribute to our society with regular opportunities for community and worldwide participation.
We believe our children achieve their potential by the unlocking of their skills and talents enabling all to have a passion for life.
We believe our children to be individuals and work in partnership with our families to mould them into reflective critical thinkers, health aware, confident, caring pupils with ever widening horizons.
We believe in the importance of British, Environmental and Global Values. We share our lives with children around the world, challenging assumptions and changing lives providing our children with a sense of stewardship.
We achieve our unique school through a smiling, safe environment where children are enthusiastic individual learners.
We achieve well rounded pupils through a wide range of enrichment activities which are exciting and meaningful.
British Values are also included within SMSC. Visit our British Values page by clicking here.
Examples of moral development
• Support for charitable projects
• Learning how to be responsible for our planet through sustainability projects
• Sessions with the local PCSO or talks from a visiting lawyer
• In sport learning how to play fair, developing the skills to be a referee, praising team mates
• Good to be Green whole school behaviour system
Examples of cultural development
• Projects with our international partners in Ghana, India and Sudan
• Participation in Street Dance Competitions
• Visit to Downing Street and Westminister
• Residential to France and Belgium
• Jazz workshops, musical theatre visits and performances
• European Day of Languages and One World Week culture day
• Staying safe online understanding social media risks and advantages
Examples of spiritual development
• Developing imagination and creativity through English focus weeks e.g Wild Child, Day Crayons Quit, The Hunter, Where My Wellies Take Me
• Time for purposeful reflection
• Pupil ownership of an annual scheme of work for RE in Year 6
• Developing a sense of awe and wonder through Forest Schools
• Participation in interfaith pupil conferences
We complete an annual audit of our provision for SMSC and have also compared our SMSC to that required for the Gold SMSC Mark. Both of these audits help is to decide on developmental targets for the following year.
You can download our SMSC policy here.
You can download our SMSC provision audit here.
Examples of social development
• SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and ELSA (Emotional Literacy) delivered by Teaching Assistants in all classes
• Exploring relationships for all classes in SRE (Sex and Relationships Education)
• Imagining our own ideal society as part of a religion neutral unit of work in Year 2
• Entrepreneur Project in Year 6
• Celebrating difference and diversity
• Working with residential homes developing communication with elderly members of our community
• All residential and day visit opportunities