On school grounds
21st July 2022
We celebrated the end of the year with two fundraising events in one day. This wasn't planned. We needed to reschedule the Colour Run due to the high temperatures of the heat wave on Monday. Our Colour Run was well supported my many family members keen to throw paint on us and many other family members and friends cheering us on. The Run raised £700 for Claire House which is a local children's hospice that we often support.
Straight after the Colour Run we then went to join in with all the fun of the summer fair which was organised by Mrs Wilkinson- Dean (PTA chair and T.A) and our fabulous PTA. We are grateful to local businesses who donated raffle prizes , groups who entertained (including LA Academy) and all the PTA helpers and their families who ran events, stalls and activities. Also a thank you to Mr-Devereux Roberts who was well and truly dunked with buckets of cold water by some of our expert throwers. We raised a fantastic £1768.