Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
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Mrs Anstice has a Post Graduate Certificate in PSHE with a focus on Sex and Relationships Education. She delivers SRE throughout KS2.  We are also a Stonewall Champion School and hold The Rainbow Flag Award. .  

If you would like further information or any support for discussions at home. do arrange to talk to Mrs Anstice. 

Sex and Relationships Education is part of our PSHRE provision. 

Our Intent for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

  • Provide a consistent standard of relations, sex and health education across the school
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Promote responsible behaviour
  • Create a positive culture of communication around issues of relationships
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies

  •  Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place

  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual

    development and the importance of health and hygiene

  • Give pupils an understanding of reproduction and sexual development

  • Ensure that all pupils, by the time they reach secondary school age, are well equipped and on an equal footing, to deal with the secondary RSHE curriculum.

  • To provide all pupils with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to make positive and healthy choices concerning relationships as they grow up and deal with risk.

  • Combat exploitation.


Our Implementation for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

In May 2019 we have started to introduce the “No Outsiders” program as part of our SRE, PSHE and RE curriculum. This teaches children about the Equality Act and the different protected characteristics based on a range of non-fiction texts and classroom based activities including art and drama.

In 2021 we introduced a new scheme of work for PSHRE which will include our RSE called SCARF.

We also work with the NSPCC to talk to children about different kinds of abuse including sexual abuse and inappropriate touching.

We have been working with the Proud Trust as part of our Rainbow Flag Journey and will have specific lessons as well as a sprinkling throughout the curriculum to raise awareness and inclusivity of LGBT+.

All RSE is taught without bias and in line with legal responsibilities such as those contained within the Equality Act (2010).

Throughout PSHRE will will be teaching children about;

  • Families and those who care for them
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

We believe that sex education should allow children a safe space to ask the questions they may have without shame or judgement. Evidence states that a graduated age-appropriate spiral curriculum is the best way of preventing the topic of sex, reproduction and private body parts of becoming taboo and children from becoming embarrassed by the topic.

A sample of how RSE will be taught through PSHRE is below to give a flavour of how these lessons will progress through the school. All classes learn the terminology associated with our Rainbow Flag work. 

Year R

  • Life Stages of a plant, animal, human
  • Baby - child – teenager – adult – old age
  • Babies come from their Mummy’s tummy
  • Families
  • How we have changed from being a baby
  • Naming our body parts and how no one should touch our private parts without permission
  • Who can help me if I have a problem
  • I am special, same and different

Year 1

  • Inside my body (brain, stomach, lungs, heart, intestines)
  • What it is like looking after a baby in the house
  • Changes to us, then and now
  • Surprises and secrets
  • Going to the toilet and keeping privates private

Year 2

  • Some secrets shouldn’t be kept
  • How we grown at different rates
  • Name the body parts you see in school uniform, in a swimming pool, in a bath
  • How do boys and girls look different
  • Private parts, private belongings, private information

Year 3

  • Healthy relationships
  • Body space and the NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Menstrution introduction (Late Summer term or start Year 4 depending on class)

Year 4

  • Changing Feelings
  • Under pressure
  • Changing bodies vulva, vagina, ovaries, eggs, womb, clitoris, labia, breasts, penis, testicles, sperm, pubic hair
  • Preparing for Periods
  • Secrets and Surprises
  • Marriage, civil partnerships, living together

Year 5

  • Who can you Trust
  • NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Fostering, adoption, separation
  • Puberty and body parts in more detail
  • Sanitary products
  • Hormones
  • Stereotypes

Year 6

  • Relationships and forced marriage
  • Managing changes
  • Body image and media stereotypes
  • Is this normal (puberty)
  • Conception and other options for pregnancy (parents can opt to withdraw their child from this session)
  • What is HIV

Further information on implementation can be found in our policy. This includes distancing techniques, confidentiality, ground rules, right to withdraw from a lesson on sexual intercourse etc.  

Our Impact for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

Our children will demonstrate;

  • A positive body image for themselves and feel confident talking about their changing body using correct terms
  • How they understand personal space, boundaries, risk and know the different between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact and know where and how to ask for help when needed
  • The ability to form and recognise different relationships and know when a relationship is unhealthy
  • An understanding of the important of emotional and mental wellbeing
  • A high degree of respect and empathy in lessons for themselves, each other and those in the wider community
  • That they celebrate their own and each others' characteristics
  • They know how to stay safe and healthy

In 2021 we held a Parental Consultation about our RSE lessons and an online survey. 35 families responded. We had no responses saying that the parent disagreed or strongly disagreed with our delivery and content of RSE. We received many supportive comments in additional notes. Mrs Anstice has the survey results if anyone wishes to discuss in further detail. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of SRE at Frodsham Manor House. 

SRE_Policy_2023.pdf .pdf
Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
Select language


Mrs Anstice has a Post Graduate Certificate in PSHE with a focus on Sex and Relationships Education. She delivers SRE throughout KS2.  We are also a Stonewall Champion School and hold The Rainbow Flag Award. .  

If you would like further information or any support for discussions at home. do arrange to talk to Mrs Anstice. 

Sex and Relationships Education is part of our PSHRE provision. 

Our Intent for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

  • Provide a consistent standard of relations, sex and health education across the school
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Promote responsible behaviour
  • Create a positive culture of communication around issues of relationships
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies

  •  Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place

  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual

    development and the importance of health and hygiene

  • Give pupils an understanding of reproduction and sexual development

  • Ensure that all pupils, by the time they reach secondary school age, are well equipped and on an equal footing, to deal with the secondary RSHE curriculum.

  • To provide all pupils with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to make positive and healthy choices concerning relationships as they grow up and deal with risk.

  • Combat exploitation.


Our Implementation for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

In May 2019 we have started to introduce the “No Outsiders” program as part of our SRE, PSHE and RE curriculum. This teaches children about the Equality Act and the different protected characteristics based on a range of non-fiction texts and classroom based activities including art and drama.

In 2021 we introduced a new scheme of work for PSHRE which will include our RSE called SCARF.

We also work with the NSPCC to talk to children about different kinds of abuse including sexual abuse and inappropriate touching.

We have been working with the Proud Trust as part of our Rainbow Flag Journey and will have specific lessons as well as a sprinkling throughout the curriculum to raise awareness and inclusivity of LGBT+.

All RSE is taught without bias and in line with legal responsibilities such as those contained within the Equality Act (2010).

Throughout PSHRE will will be teaching children about;

  • Families and those who care for them
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

We believe that sex education should allow children a safe space to ask the questions they may have without shame or judgement. Evidence states that a graduated age-appropriate spiral curriculum is the best way of preventing the topic of sex, reproduction and private body parts of becoming taboo and children from becoming embarrassed by the topic.

A sample of how RSE will be taught through PSHRE is below to give a flavour of how these lessons will progress through the school. All classes learn the terminology associated with our Rainbow Flag work. 

Year R

  • Life Stages of a plant, animal, human
  • Baby - child – teenager – adult – old age
  • Babies come from their Mummy’s tummy
  • Families
  • How we have changed from being a baby
  • Naming our body parts and how no one should touch our private parts without permission
  • Who can help me if I have a problem
  • I am special, same and different

Year 1

  • Inside my body (brain, stomach, lungs, heart, intestines)
  • What it is like looking after a baby in the house
  • Changes to us, then and now
  • Surprises and secrets
  • Going to the toilet and keeping privates private

Year 2

  • Some secrets shouldn’t be kept
  • How we grown at different rates
  • Name the body parts you see in school uniform, in a swimming pool, in a bath
  • How do boys and girls look different
  • Private parts, private belongings, private information

Year 3

  • Healthy relationships
  • Body space and the NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Menstrution introduction (Late Summer term or start Year 4 depending on class)

Year 4

  • Changing Feelings
  • Under pressure
  • Changing bodies vulva, vagina, ovaries, eggs, womb, clitoris, labia, breasts, penis, testicles, sperm, pubic hair
  • Preparing for Periods
  • Secrets and Surprises
  • Marriage, civil partnerships, living together

Year 5

  • Who can you Trust
  • NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Fostering, adoption, separation
  • Puberty and body parts in more detail
  • Sanitary products
  • Hormones
  • Stereotypes

Year 6

  • Relationships and forced marriage
  • Managing changes
  • Body image and media stereotypes
  • Is this normal (puberty)
  • Conception and other options for pregnancy (parents can opt to withdraw their child from this session)
  • What is HIV

Further information on implementation can be found in our policy. This includes distancing techniques, confidentiality, ground rules, right to withdraw from a lesson on sexual intercourse etc.  

Our Impact for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

Our children will demonstrate;

  • A positive body image for themselves and feel confident talking about their changing body using correct terms
  • How they understand personal space, boundaries, risk and know the different between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact and know where and how to ask for help when needed
  • The ability to form and recognise different relationships and know when a relationship is unhealthy
  • An understanding of the important of emotional and mental wellbeing
  • A high degree of respect and empathy in lessons for themselves, each other and those in the wider community
  • That they celebrate their own and each others' characteristics
  • They know how to stay safe and healthy

In 2021 we held a Parental Consultation about our RSE lessons and an online survey. 35 families responded. We had no responses saying that the parent disagreed or strongly disagreed with our delivery and content of RSE. We received many supportive comments in additional notes. Mrs Anstice has the survey results if anyone wishes to discuss in further detail. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of SRE at Frodsham Manor House. 

SRE_Policy_2023.pdf .pdf
Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
Select language


Mrs Anstice has a Post Graduate Certificate in PSHE with a focus on Sex and Relationships Education. She delivers SRE throughout KS2.  We are also a Stonewall Champion School and hold The Rainbow Flag Award. .  

If you would like further information or any support for discussions at home. do arrange to talk to Mrs Anstice. 

Sex and Relationships Education is part of our PSHRE provision. 

Our Intent for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

  • Provide a consistent standard of relations, sex and health education across the school
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Promote responsible behaviour
  • Create a positive culture of communication around issues of relationships
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies

  •  Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place

  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual

    development and the importance of health and hygiene

  • Give pupils an understanding of reproduction and sexual development

  • Ensure that all pupils, by the time they reach secondary school age, are well equipped and on an equal footing, to deal with the secondary RSHE curriculum.

  • To provide all pupils with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to make positive and healthy choices concerning relationships as they grow up and deal with risk.

  • Combat exploitation.


Our Implementation for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

In May 2019 we have started to introduce the “No Outsiders” program as part of our SRE, PSHE and RE curriculum. This teaches children about the Equality Act and the different protected characteristics based on a range of non-fiction texts and classroom based activities including art and drama.

In 2021 we introduced a new scheme of work for PSHRE which will include our RSE called SCARF.

We also work with the NSPCC to talk to children about different kinds of abuse including sexual abuse and inappropriate touching.

We have been working with the Proud Trust as part of our Rainbow Flag Journey and will have specific lessons as well as a sprinkling throughout the curriculum to raise awareness and inclusivity of LGBT+.

All RSE is taught without bias and in line with legal responsibilities such as those contained within the Equality Act (2010).

Throughout PSHRE will will be teaching children about;

  • Families and those who care for them
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

We believe that sex education should allow children a safe space to ask the questions they may have without shame or judgement. Evidence states that a graduated age-appropriate spiral curriculum is the best way of preventing the topic of sex, reproduction and private body parts of becoming taboo and children from becoming embarrassed by the topic.

A sample of how RSE will be taught through PSHRE is below to give a flavour of how these lessons will progress through the school. All classes learn the terminology associated with our Rainbow Flag work. 

Year R

  • Life Stages of a plant, animal, human
  • Baby - child – teenager – adult – old age
  • Babies come from their Mummy’s tummy
  • Families
  • How we have changed from being a baby
  • Naming our body parts and how no one should touch our private parts without permission
  • Who can help me if I have a problem
  • I am special, same and different

Year 1

  • Inside my body (brain, stomach, lungs, heart, intestines)
  • What it is like looking after a baby in the house
  • Changes to us, then and now
  • Surprises and secrets
  • Going to the toilet and keeping privates private

Year 2

  • Some secrets shouldn’t be kept
  • How we grown at different rates
  • Name the body parts you see in school uniform, in a swimming pool, in a bath
  • How do boys and girls look different
  • Private parts, private belongings, private information

Year 3

  • Healthy relationships
  • Body space and the NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Menstrution introduction (Late Summer term or start Year 4 depending on class)

Year 4

  • Changing Feelings
  • Under pressure
  • Changing bodies vulva, vagina, ovaries, eggs, womb, clitoris, labia, breasts, penis, testicles, sperm, pubic hair
  • Preparing for Periods
  • Secrets and Surprises
  • Marriage, civil partnerships, living together

Year 5

  • Who can you Trust
  • NSPCC PANTS (Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, No means no, Talk about secrets that upset you)
  • Fostering, adoption, separation
  • Puberty and body parts in more detail
  • Sanitary products
  • Hormones
  • Stereotypes

Year 6

  • Relationships and forced marriage
  • Managing changes
  • Body image and media stereotypes
  • Is this normal (puberty)
  • Conception and other options for pregnancy (parents can opt to withdraw their child from this session)
  • What is HIV

Further information on implementation can be found in our policy. This includes distancing techniques, confidentiality, ground rules, right to withdraw from a lesson on sexual intercourse etc.  

Our Impact for Sex and Relationship Education as part of our PSHRE provision.

Our children will demonstrate;

  • A positive body image for themselves and feel confident talking about their changing body using correct terms
  • How they understand personal space, boundaries, risk and know the different between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact and know where and how to ask for help when needed
  • The ability to form and recognise different relationships and know when a relationship is unhealthy
  • An understanding of the important of emotional and mental wellbeing
  • A high degree of respect and empathy in lessons for themselves, each other and those in the wider community
  • That they celebrate their own and each others' characteristics
  • They know how to stay safe and healthy

In 2021 we held a Parental Consultation about our RSE lessons and an online survey. 35 families responded. We had no responses saying that the parent disagreed or strongly disagreed with our delivery and content of RSE. We received many supportive comments in additional notes. Mrs Anstice has the survey results if anyone wishes to discuss in further detail. 

Below you can find documents relating to the teaching of SRE at Frodsham Manor House. 

SRE_Policy_2023.pdf .pdf