We hold a daily assembly which is normally held at the start of the day.
Monday assemblies are led by Mr Watts. These are our 'Mindful Monday' sessions which focus on healthy relationships, how we view ourselves, our mental health and wellbeing, our values and our school.
Tuesday assemblies are held in class. These sessions help us to become global citizens and we learn about a range of global focus days and months, festivals and languages.
Wednesday assemblies often involve speakers. We have a rota of assemblies which are led by Rev Elaine (St Lawrence's), Pastor Paul (Main Street Chapel) and Dean (Frodsham Methodist) which all have a Christian focus. When we do not have a speaker we are still looking at the Christian faith following planned topics.
Thursday assemblies are for singing and we learn some British Sign Language with Mrs Anstice.
Friday assemblies are when we celebrate the work we have done and share good news.
On this page are links to some of the songs which we learning to sing during our assemblies for 2023/24. We also have music here for coming in and out of assemblies based on a 'Musician Of The Month'. Musicians for this academic year include John Williams, Aretha Franklin, Ludwig Van Beethoven, AR Rahman, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Cartola, Abba, Miss Pooja, Vivaldi, Elton John and Taylor Swift.
Below are pieces of music for entering and exiting the hall.
Below are pieces of music for entering and exiting the hall.
Below are pieces of music for entering and exiting the hall.