Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation
In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.
We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here. Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.
Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;
The Rule of Law
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Mutual Respect
Individual Liberty
Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term.
The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted.
Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;
Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them, we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness, responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.
Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum.
Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation
In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.
We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here. Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.
Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;
The Rule of Law
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Mutual Respect
Individual Liberty
Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term.
The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted.
Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;
Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them, we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness, responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.
Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum.
Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation
In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.
We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here. Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.
Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;
The Rule of Law
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Mutual Respect
Individual Liberty
Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term.
The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted.
Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;
Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them, we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness, responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.
Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum.