Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
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British Values

Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation

In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.

We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here.  Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.  

Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;


  • We are involved with democratic processes. Children have hustings and elect their peers to the School Council which has now been serving the school for 24 years, we also vote to elect our Team Captains as part of our  behavioural system. The School Council in turn elect their officers and projects for their time in office
  • The Governors meet with the School Council twice a year 
  • We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of democracy
  • We engage with Frodsham Town Council with local events and have Junior Mayors on a rolling program with local schools and regularly welcome Councillors and Council Candidates into school. We are fully integrated in town council on consultations about local and community issues
  • Children in Year Six learn about the electoral system, party policies and manifestos, Government and the Houses of Westminster are part of our Citizenship and London Project. In General Election years, all children in Key Stage Two have lessons on politics during the electoral month to help them engage with the news
  • Children in Year Six have an annual opportunity to interview our local MP whilst visiting Westminster and Downing Street
  • Our local MP supports school projects and events
  • We help children to express their views and they know that their voice matters
  • Pupils are listened to by adults and taught to listen with care and concern for others. Children respect the right for all to have an opinion which is regularly modelled in Philosophy for Children debates

The Rule of Law

  • Children are taught about responsibility and the importance of rules and consequences and how and why rules are made
  • Children have opportunity to reflect on their own learning, their own behaviour and their own safety
  • Regular visits from Judo Education, CEOP, Legal Practitioners, St John’s Ambulance, Police and Fire Services reinforce our messages as well as a visit in Year 5 to Safety Central
  • Laws in relation to Drugs Education
  • Through Citizenship, PSHE, RE No Outsiders and International Education we learn about the reasons for laws, how they govern and protect us, responsibilities and consequences from broken laws and for younger children ‘right, wrong and fair’
  • Roles for our Junior Road Safety Officers working with our PCSO
  • Talking about rules of the road with our Let's Walk and Let's Bike training
  • Each class discusses, decides and agrees their class rules each September
  • We show respect and value those who work to keep the laws of the country
  • We consider the ‘Golden Rule’ which exists within religions and our own lives, comparing phrasing and viewpoints

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • We enhance pupils’ understanding of different faiths and world views through our RE provision 
  • We have faith visitors in school and also visit places of worship in Frodsham, Chester and Liverpool
  • We learn about differences, diversity and similarities in RE and a specific PSHE scheme
  • Children are taught to tackle prejudice through No Outsiders and through workshops with The Ann Frank Trust
  • We have completed a four way international project on cultural and religious practices in our communities in England, Ghana, Sri Lanka and India
  • Faith leaders from local churches lead some of our Wednesday assemblies
  • We have strong international links including hosting international visitors which emphasise global issues, providing real and relevant opportunities
  • We also include tolerance linked to the Equality Act and Protected Characteristics

Mutual Respect

  • Respect underpins our work both inside and outside the classroom
  • We show respect to those who serve our country and to all in our local community
  • We have an effective Anti-bullying and Inclusion Policy promoting respect for all
  • We show respect for views which differ from our own by developing non-critical questioning techniques when debating
  • PE lessons reinforce the importance of fair play and promote teamwork and collaboration throughout and beyond the curriculum
  • There is an expectation that all who work, learn, play and visit our school do so with a respect for one another as well as for themselves
  • A focus on disability awareness and our links with Claire House

Individual Liberty

  • All children, whatever their age, exercise the right to express their opinions and we support our pupils to actively look for and articulate their views
  • Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and how with your rights come responsibilities
  • Through the provision of a safe and empowering environment children are supported to exercise their rights to personal freedom within accepted boundaries
  • Children in Year Three learn about the United Nations Rights of the Child
  • Children are encouraged to take on areas of responsibility and leadership for example Playleaders, Buddies and Curriculum Ambassadors (including Diversity)
  • Children are taught about the importance of E-Safety when online and all classes participate in an annual E-Safety day
  • Children have a choice of challenge in some curriculum areas and how they record their work enhancing their creativity
  • We learn about the range of family units and relationships through Sex and Relationships Education
  • We all challenge stereotype
  • Children can make a range of choices from their attendance with extra-curricular activities to supporting fundraising events
  • Furthermore, we learn about the importance of Civil Liberty through work on Slavery, Civil Rights, Freedom and Peace in History, RE, Music, Collective Worship and International Projects. We participate in Remembrance Projects, Holocaust Memorial Day and learn about British role models
  • We encourage our children to be independent, active citizens, preparing them for their adult years

Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term. 

The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted. 

Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;

  • Being a Rainbow Flag School and a No Outsiders School
  • Fundraising for and supporting charities which are important to us
  • Providing children with opportunities for enterprise
  • Learning some British Sign Language
  • Learning traditional British Songs, e.g The National Anthem, Songs from the Wars, Carols, Proms, Sea Shanties and their relevance within history and relevance for today
  • Learning about the countries which make up Great Britain and the United Kingdom, through its geography, governance, flags, symbolism and culture
  • We value being part of Britain, we hold a harvest festival, visit a pantomime, carol sing in elderly residential homes
  • Researching monarchy succession and key events
  • Accepting responsibility for our planet through sustainable global education
  • Learn about Britain within its role in Europe and the wider world and social responsibility
  • Valuing the cultural aspects of ‘Britishness’ through our appreciation of the sports and the arts
  • Engage with stories of national and local concern in the media
  • Host school events linking to national events, e.g. Street Parties
  • Valuing the wider family through events for Grandparents
  • Learn about inspiring Britons in history and collective worship and through our class names
  • Projects with our international partner schools about values which are important to us and projects about our countries and cultures
  • Acknowledging that these British Values are not unique to Britain and can be found as integral values throughout the world, throughout a range of religions and a variety of cultures.

Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them,  we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness,  responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.

Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum. 

Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
Select language

British Values

Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation

In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.

We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here.  Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.  

Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;


  • We are involved with democratic processes. Children have hustings and elect their peers to the School Council which has now been serving the school for 24 years, we also vote to elect our Team Captains as part of our  behavioural system. The School Council in turn elect their officers and projects for their time in office
  • The Governors meet with the School Council twice a year 
  • We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of democracy
  • We engage with Frodsham Town Council with local events and have Junior Mayors on a rolling program with local schools and regularly welcome Councillors and Council Candidates into school. We are fully integrated in town council on consultations about local and community issues
  • Children in Year Six learn about the electoral system, party policies and manifestos, Government and the Houses of Westminster are part of our Citizenship and London Project. In General Election years, all children in Key Stage Two have lessons on politics during the electoral month to help them engage with the news
  • Children in Year Six have an annual opportunity to interview our local MP whilst visiting Westminster and Downing Street
  • Our local MP supports school projects and events
  • We help children to express their views and they know that their voice matters
  • Pupils are listened to by adults and taught to listen with care and concern for others. Children respect the right for all to have an opinion which is regularly modelled in Philosophy for Children debates

The Rule of Law

  • Children are taught about responsibility and the importance of rules and consequences and how and why rules are made
  • Children have opportunity to reflect on their own learning, their own behaviour and their own safety
  • Regular visits from Judo Education, CEOP, Legal Practitioners, St John’s Ambulance, Police and Fire Services reinforce our messages as well as a visit in Year 5 to Safety Central
  • Laws in relation to Drugs Education
  • Through Citizenship, PSHE, RE No Outsiders and International Education we learn about the reasons for laws, how they govern and protect us, responsibilities and consequences from broken laws and for younger children ‘right, wrong and fair’
  • Roles for our Junior Road Safety Officers working with our PCSO
  • Talking about rules of the road with our Let's Walk and Let's Bike training
  • Each class discusses, decides and agrees their class rules each September
  • We show respect and value those who work to keep the laws of the country
  • We consider the ‘Golden Rule’ which exists within religions and our own lives, comparing phrasing and viewpoints

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • We enhance pupils’ understanding of different faiths and world views through our RE provision 
  • We have faith visitors in school and also visit places of worship in Frodsham, Chester and Liverpool
  • We learn about differences, diversity and similarities in RE and a specific PSHE scheme
  • Children are taught to tackle prejudice through No Outsiders and through workshops with The Ann Frank Trust
  • We have completed a four way international project on cultural and religious practices in our communities in England, Ghana, Sri Lanka and India
  • Faith leaders from local churches lead some of our Wednesday assemblies
  • We have strong international links including hosting international visitors which emphasise global issues, providing real and relevant opportunities
  • We also include tolerance linked to the Equality Act and Protected Characteristics

Mutual Respect

  • Respect underpins our work both inside and outside the classroom
  • We show respect to those who serve our country and to all in our local community
  • We have an effective Anti-bullying and Inclusion Policy promoting respect for all
  • We show respect for views which differ from our own by developing non-critical questioning techniques when debating
  • PE lessons reinforce the importance of fair play and promote teamwork and collaboration throughout and beyond the curriculum
  • There is an expectation that all who work, learn, play and visit our school do so with a respect for one another as well as for themselves
  • A focus on disability awareness and our links with Claire House

Individual Liberty

  • All children, whatever their age, exercise the right to express their opinions and we support our pupils to actively look for and articulate their views
  • Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and how with your rights come responsibilities
  • Through the provision of a safe and empowering environment children are supported to exercise their rights to personal freedom within accepted boundaries
  • Children in Year Three learn about the United Nations Rights of the Child
  • Children are encouraged to take on areas of responsibility and leadership for example Playleaders, Buddies and Curriculum Ambassadors (including Diversity)
  • Children are taught about the importance of E-Safety when online and all classes participate in an annual E-Safety day
  • Children have a choice of challenge in some curriculum areas and how they record their work enhancing their creativity
  • We learn about the range of family units and relationships through Sex and Relationships Education
  • We all challenge stereotype
  • Children can make a range of choices from their attendance with extra-curricular activities to supporting fundraising events
  • Furthermore, we learn about the importance of Civil Liberty through work on Slavery, Civil Rights, Freedom and Peace in History, RE, Music, Collective Worship and International Projects. We participate in Remembrance Projects, Holocaust Memorial Day and learn about British role models
  • We encourage our children to be independent, active citizens, preparing them for their adult years

Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term. 

The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted. 

Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;

  • Being a Rainbow Flag School and a No Outsiders School
  • Fundraising for and supporting charities which are important to us
  • Providing children with opportunities for enterprise
  • Learning some British Sign Language
  • Learning traditional British Songs, e.g The National Anthem, Songs from the Wars, Carols, Proms, Sea Shanties and their relevance within history and relevance for today
  • Learning about the countries which make up Great Britain and the United Kingdom, through its geography, governance, flags, symbolism and culture
  • We value being part of Britain, we hold a harvest festival, visit a pantomime, carol sing in elderly residential homes
  • Researching monarchy succession and key events
  • Accepting responsibility for our planet through sustainable global education
  • Learn about Britain within its role in Europe and the wider world and social responsibility
  • Valuing the cultural aspects of ‘Britishness’ through our appreciation of the sports and the arts
  • Engage with stories of national and local concern in the media
  • Host school events linking to national events, e.g. Street Parties
  • Valuing the wider family through events for Grandparents
  • Learn about inspiring Britons in history and collective worship and through our class names
  • Projects with our international partner schools about values which are important to us and projects about our countries and cultures
  • Acknowledging that these British Values are not unique to Britain and can be found as integral values throughout the world, throughout a range of religions and a variety of cultures.

Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them,  we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness,  responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.

Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum. 

Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
Select language

British Values

Our strategy for the promotion of British Values and the prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation

In 2014 the Prime Minister and Department for Education reiterated that there is a need “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs,” as defined in The Prevent Strategy 2011.

We believe that the Manor House ethos embeds British Values through our curriculum provision, collective worship, engagement with the Frodsham and Cheshire West community, our international links, our roles and responsibilities, and in the way that we treat and respect one another and all we meet in an affirming manner throughout our years here.  Every child has a voice, a unique personality and skill set and ultimately a role to play in our promotion of British Values.  

Frodsham Manor House recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever changing nature of the United Kingdom and understand the role which both the staff and pupils have to ensure that we both promote and uphold these values throughout the year in the following ways;


  • We are involved with democratic processes. Children have hustings and elect their peers to the School Council which has now been serving the school for 24 years, we also vote to elect our Team Captains as part of our  behavioural system. The School Council in turn elect their officers and projects for their time in office
  • The Governors meet with the School Council twice a year 
  • We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of democracy
  • We engage with Frodsham Town Council with local events and have Junior Mayors on a rolling program with local schools and regularly welcome Councillors and Council Candidates into school. We are fully integrated in town council on consultations about local and community issues
  • Children in Year Six learn about the electoral system, party policies and manifestos, Government and the Houses of Westminster are part of our Citizenship and London Project. In General Election years, all children in Key Stage Two have lessons on politics during the electoral month to help them engage with the news
  • Children in Year Six have an annual opportunity to interview our local MP whilst visiting Westminster and Downing Street
  • Our local MP supports school projects and events
  • We help children to express their views and they know that their voice matters
  • Pupils are listened to by adults and taught to listen with care and concern for others. Children respect the right for all to have an opinion which is regularly modelled in Philosophy for Children debates

The Rule of Law

  • Children are taught about responsibility and the importance of rules and consequences and how and why rules are made
  • Children have opportunity to reflect on their own learning, their own behaviour and their own safety
  • Regular visits from Judo Education, CEOP, Legal Practitioners, St John’s Ambulance, Police and Fire Services reinforce our messages as well as a visit in Year 5 to Safety Central
  • Laws in relation to Drugs Education
  • Through Citizenship, PSHE, RE No Outsiders and International Education we learn about the reasons for laws, how they govern and protect us, responsibilities and consequences from broken laws and for younger children ‘right, wrong and fair’
  • Roles for our Junior Road Safety Officers working with our PCSO
  • Talking about rules of the road with our Let's Walk and Let's Bike training
  • Each class discusses, decides and agrees their class rules each September
  • We show respect and value those who work to keep the laws of the country
  • We consider the ‘Golden Rule’ which exists within religions and our own lives, comparing phrasing and viewpoints

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

  • We enhance pupils’ understanding of different faiths and world views through our RE provision 
  • We have faith visitors in school and also visit places of worship in Frodsham, Chester and Liverpool
  • We learn about differences, diversity and similarities in RE and a specific PSHE scheme
  • Children are taught to tackle prejudice through No Outsiders and through workshops with The Ann Frank Trust
  • We have completed a four way international project on cultural and religious practices in our communities in England, Ghana, Sri Lanka and India
  • Faith leaders from local churches lead some of our Wednesday assemblies
  • We have strong international links including hosting international visitors which emphasise global issues, providing real and relevant opportunities
  • We also include tolerance linked to the Equality Act and Protected Characteristics

Mutual Respect

  • Respect underpins our work both inside and outside the classroom
  • We show respect to those who serve our country and to all in our local community
  • We have an effective Anti-bullying and Inclusion Policy promoting respect for all
  • We show respect for views which differ from our own by developing non-critical questioning techniques when debating
  • PE lessons reinforce the importance of fair play and promote teamwork and collaboration throughout and beyond the curriculum
  • There is an expectation that all who work, learn, play and visit our school do so with a respect for one another as well as for themselves
  • A focus on disability awareness and our links with Claire House

Individual Liberty

  • All children, whatever their age, exercise the right to express their opinions and we support our pupils to actively look for and articulate their views
  • Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and how with your rights come responsibilities
  • Through the provision of a safe and empowering environment children are supported to exercise their rights to personal freedom within accepted boundaries
  • Children in Year Three learn about the United Nations Rights of the Child
  • Children are encouraged to take on areas of responsibility and leadership for example Playleaders, Buddies and Curriculum Ambassadors (including Diversity)
  • Children are taught about the importance of E-Safety when online and all classes participate in an annual E-Safety day
  • Children have a choice of challenge in some curriculum areas and how they record their work enhancing their creativity
  • We learn about the range of family units and relationships through Sex and Relationships Education
  • We all challenge stereotype
  • Children can make a range of choices from their attendance with extra-curricular activities to supporting fundraising events
  • Furthermore, we learn about the importance of Civil Liberty through work on Slavery, Civil Rights, Freedom and Peace in History, RE, Music, Collective Worship and International Projects. We participate in Remembrance Projects, Holocaust Memorial Day and learn about British role models
  • We encourage our children to be independent, active citizens, preparing them for their adult years

Our program of Collective Worship includes weekly Values assemblies. British Values are revisited biannually over a half term. 

The Frodsham and Villages Schools' Partnership is committed to providing secure environments for pupils, where learners feel safe and are kept safe. The partnership has compiled a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation Policy which we have adopted. 

Additional to the key areas above we also promote British Values by;

  • Being a Rainbow Flag School and a No Outsiders School
  • Fundraising for and supporting charities which are important to us
  • Providing children with opportunities for enterprise
  • Learning some British Sign Language
  • Learning traditional British Songs, e.g The National Anthem, Songs from the Wars, Carols, Proms, Sea Shanties and their relevance within history and relevance for today
  • Learning about the countries which make up Great Britain and the United Kingdom, through its geography, governance, flags, symbolism and culture
  • We value being part of Britain, we hold a harvest festival, visit a pantomime, carol sing in elderly residential homes
  • Researching monarchy succession and key events
  • Accepting responsibility for our planet through sustainable global education
  • Learn about Britain within its role in Europe and the wider world and social responsibility
  • Valuing the cultural aspects of ‘Britishness’ through our appreciation of the sports and the arts
  • Engage with stories of national and local concern in the media
  • Host school events linking to national events, e.g. Street Parties
  • Valuing the wider family through events for Grandparents
  • Learn about inspiring Britons in history and collective worship and through our class names
  • Projects with our international partner schools about values which are important to us and projects about our countries and cultures
  • Acknowledging that these British Values are not unique to Britain and can be found as integral values throughout the world, throughout a range of religions and a variety of cultures.

Ultimately at Frodsham Manor House we value and respect each other, we value and seek to protect our environment, we care for the sick, the vulnerable and value those whose job it is to care for them,  we value the rights of one another around the world, we want the values of kindness,  responsibility, caring, empathy, bravery and honesty to be moulded in all who work and learn at our school.

Mrs Anstice is responsible for Personal Development including SMSC, British Values, Collective Worship. Mrs Brook is responsible for PSHRE. Mr Watts is responsible for Safeguarding including Prevent. However British Values is taught throughout and beyond our curriculum.