At Frodsham Manor House Primary School we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014) alongside other experiences and opportunities which enrich and broaden the horizon of our children.
The National Curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religion and World Views, Art and Design, Music, Computing, Design and Technology, Physical Education, PSHRE and MFL in KS2.
Our intent:
- To nurture and develop well-rounded, curious, capable and empathetic individuals
- To give children the skills, knowledge and attitude to lead a rich and fulfilling life
The design and implementation of our curriculum consists of:
- The National Curriculum core and foundation subjects
- Religion and World Views (Religious Education) according to the Cheshire West Agreed Syllabus
- PSHE and Citizenship
- SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) and Global Education (Global Learning including British Values)
- Enrichment opportunities including Forest Schools, themed days (Science, English, Computing and One World), cooking, visits, visitors and residential trips
- Extra curricular activities which include creative , physical and curriculum development opportunities
- A broad range of exciting and creative opportunities to discover and nurture their individual talents
- Opportunities to enthuse and nurture natural curiosity
The impact of our curriculum will ensure children:
- Have firm foundations of basic skills that they can use and apply
- Understand the distinct nature of the different disciplines that enable one to become a specialist in a particular area, eg. an artist or a historian
- Develop a set of global values that underpin their spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as individuals
- Have access and opportunity for all individuals to achieve their potential
- Develop their thinking, communicating and questioning skills
- Have a developing understanding of the world around them with a commitment to being lifelong enquirers
Our Curriculum Policy can be found here.