Langdale Way, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7LE
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We focus on building children’s geographical knowledge and skills through exciting activities, resources and school fieldwork trips, inspiring a curiosity and passion about the world and its people. We look at the key areas of locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. Our aim is to enhance contextual knowledge of locations and globally significant places whilst also cultivating an understanding of the processes that give us key physical and human geographical features. Our lessons provide pupils with extensive opportunities to develop their geographical vocabulary as well as their map skills, ensuring that every child is equipped to be a geographer and develops an understanding and interest in the world around them. Geography starts in our EYFS and focuses on locational knowledge, sense of place, distance and scale and orientation of the world. We then build on these through the National Curriculum between Years 1-6 and offers opportunities for children to:


  Develop geographical knowledge through exposure to a variety of skills, hinterland and topics

  Develop contextual knowledge of globally significant places- to consider cultural diversity

  Be accomplished in map skills,  enquiry skills and gathering data and use technology effectively to support this

  Be equipped with the geographical knowledge to understand the implications of geographical events

  Be able to interpret and use a range of geographical sources including maps, globes and aerial photographs

  Develop geographical vocabulary and understanding

  To be able to delve into the subject through fieldwork experiences

  Develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of geographical skills and learning- to be aware of the importance of being ecologically environmentally aware.


Our geography curriculum is designed to equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding about diverse places, people and resources within natural and human environments. Pupils will develop their geographical skills in order to carry out effective geographical enquiries. Procedural knowledge of places, people, resources and natural and human environments together with a greater understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes and to encourage the children to show their respect for their local, national and international environment.  A focus by class teachers on geographical skill development will allow pupils to collect, represent and interpret information as geographers do.



The areas of learning children study are carefully planned and progressive throughout the school. Our Geography curriculum provides both a long term plan and year-group specific key learning documents to help teachers ensure that they are meeting all the aims of the National Curriculum. We incorporate knowledge, skills and vocabulary which show progression through each year.  Children are given opportunities to take part in various fieldwork activities, including a fieldwork school trip each year, to further their understanding and skills. This will connect pupils with the complexities of the world, providing valuable and memorable stimulation. All children will develop their knowledge of local and global geography. Throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2, children will have the opportunity to experience practical, engaging tasks beyond the classroom including the regular use of a school weather station. Key vocabulary is systematically selected and taught early on in our units to ensure that children have a sound understanding of the key words being used throughout. Technology is used to enhance lessons, aligning to the work of geographers and contextual geographical content is drawn from to provide our children with what geography is like in our locality, building towards recognising similarities and differences between the world around them and contrasting environments.

Each new unit begins with exploring the children’s prior learning. Key vocabulary is systematically selected and agreed upon by the subject coordinator after discussions with class teachers. It is taught early on in our units to ensure that children have a sound understanding of the key words being used throughout and revisited in every lesson. Within all lessons, teachers question children in order to extend their high order thinking, check their ability to recall knowledge and promote the application of knowledge in a new situation or time period. Teachers promote geographical vocabulary, skills and enquiry based questions. Children are given a knowledge organiser at the start of each unit. This is placed in their book in order for the children to refer to the key learning objectives and vocabulary, locational knowledge is prioritised throughout school and maps are on the walls of every classroom.

At the beginning of each unit children will review their previous learning and have the opportunity to share what they have retained, allowing the teacher to assess their knowledge on an individual and cohort level. Throughout the unit regular opportunities for rehearsal are planned to review previous learning and previous lessons.  All children, regardless of ability, are encouraged to work towards the same objective. Work may be adapted to support SEND children in order for them to access the curriculum and ensure that an aspirational curriculum is offered to all.

Pupils are given opportunities to lead their own lines of geographic enquiry around Physical and Human geography and are expected to record their findings in a variety of ways. As well as completing work inside the classroom, field work is a key part of our geography curriculum and allows pupils to apply their geographical skills in real-life settings. In Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area through seasonal changes and begin to learn about the wider world. In Key Stage 2, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area, finding out about the environment and the people who live there. With a consideration to current affairs. 



Our Geography lessons will foster a passion for learning all about geographical features of space, place and time. Well-rounded geographers are the end product of our Geography curriculum; children who have an appreciation and passion for Geography. All children will have a secure knowledge of geographical vocabulary and be able to use it accurately. They will also be able to understand the different strands within Geography, as well as embed a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Children will become confident and competent in collecting and analysing a range of fieldwork data, using this to inform their views on the future of the planet and their role within that. We believe that our approach to geography ensures that the teaching and learning is loved by teachers and pupils alike. They will be able to address geographical questions, considering source use and reflect what they have learnt.

Through our geography lessons, pupils will have learnt key vocabulary and be able to apply their geographical skills to a range of geographical enquiries. Specific disciplinary knowledge (practices of a geographer) is applied and reinforced allowing confidence in:

       Drawing and interpreting maps

       Gathering and presenting data

       Identifying geographical features

       Formulating questions and developing research skills

Mrs. Kelly is our Geography Co-ordinator.

Additional opportunities for Geography are through our Global Learning, International Links, Residential visits and lots of opportunities for learning in our school groups and in the local community. 

Long Term Plan

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